Get Up and Go Ministries

An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip "Get up and go…" (Acts 8:26)

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Is Mephibosheth Welcome at your Table

March 18, 2023 - There's many reasons people give for not wanting to come to church with you when you ask. Believe me when I say, Steve and I have heard them all. However, the number one response we are given is that many have been hurt in some way by the church. I know it to be true, because if I were honest, up until a few years ago, I probably was one of the ones doing the hurting. Not intentioanlly of course, but I still hurt others.

You see, I am naturally a results oriented person. I want to see a certain "action" before giving you anymore of my time, energy, resources etc. A few years ago I started asking the Lord to help me see people as he sees them. Well, when you pray a prayer like that, get ready for change. Most of that change can be rather painful. However, it is in the breaking that God will help you to see others as he sees them. It will help you to ultimately LOVE them as Jesus loves them.

Here's the question Church.......Is Mephiboshet welcome at yours and my table? If not, maybe it's time to pray one of those dangerous prayers like, "break me Lord Jesus with the things that break your heart and help me to see and love others as you see/love them".
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