Café Connections started with a dream nearly 25 years ago with this simple question, “If money were no object, what would you love to do more than anything in the world?” For us, the answer to that question was to run and operate a coffeehouse type ministry where we could demonstrate God’s love to our community by serving them with simple kindness and hospitality. For over 20 years now, we have been in “training” for this very day. We love people and we love serving. Our prayer is that Jesus be glorified in every word that is uttered and every kindness that is shown.
Café Connections is a place where family and friends gather and where relationships are built. We encourage those that live and work within the community to come and bring their lunch, surf the net, read a book, or engage in conversation. As a community, let’s reconnect over some coffee and a homemade dessert!
In Isaiah 50:4 it says, “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are instructed to know how to sustain the weary with a word….” We all need to be encouraged as we walk the path that has been placed before us. Will you let us encourage you? We look forward with great joy to reconnecting with old friends and making some new friends along the way. God Bless You!
At Cafe Connections, we provide at NO CHARGE to our community…
Thank you so much!
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Website by TADA! Media Services, Inc., Mauldin, S.C.
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