Class Time is Over - Let's Bring Them In
November 30, 2023 - I'm sitting here thinking about my dad this morning. It was 37 years ago that he passed away from an inoperable brain tumor. Sometimes it just seems like yesterday. Surely not 37 years ago. My dad was HUGE in my eyes as a kid growing up. Not only physically in stature, but also in personality. He loved the holidays and ALWAYS made them such fun for my brother and I.
With that said, he was a sailor and he had a sailor's mouth. He didn't take any guff off anyone. Including so called "church people". My dad was a small business owner and after a few times of these so called "church people" trying to get something for nothing, he would tell them exactly where to go and to never come back. Many (people he didn't even know) would come to the house and try to tell him about Jesus, but he would just tell them where to go and slam the door behind them.
One day, an old preacher from Landmark Baptist came to see my dad. I can't remember how he ended up there, but there he was. This preacher started taking the time to get to "know" my dad and a relationship between the two of them began. This old preacher would come down to the farm and they would talk as my dad worked. My dad was a pig farmer and there was a time or two that he would get this preacher to help hold the pigs so he could castrate them. My dad would laugh at him trying to hold these pigs as urine was going everywhere and I mean everywhere. Not only urine was going everywhere but a lot of curse words could be heard as well. That preacher never flinched though. lol
They would talk about many things during their time together and this preacher would always tie Jesus into the mix of the conversation. When my dad was diagnosed with this brain tumor, my mom went to him and asked him if he thought that he might want to get things right with God before he passed and my dad said, "yes". My mom then asked him who do you want me to call and without hesitation my dad said, "Preacher__________". I so wish I could recall this man's name, but I can't.
My dad coming to faith in Christ was because an of old preacher that took the time to get to KNOW my dad and then demonstrate to him the TRUTH of the Gospel through the living out of what God's Word said. My dad SAW Jesus in this man and he FINALLY recognized his need for the Savior. I am sure that when this old preacher man got to heaven, my dad was there waiting on him with a big old hug and a heart full of thanksgiving.
Why do I share this story? I share because I think that as the body of Christ, we are missing something. We have made leading the lost to faith in Jesus harder than it really is. We have put more emphasis on teaching, training than we have on the actual "doing" part. We have all the knowledge we need, yet we don't go out and bring them in. Why? I took every class offered in how to share my faith that the SBC offered and when I went out on visitation, I would literally pray that no one would be home. Ask Steve. He'll tell you. LOL
Why? Because I was afraid that I would miss a point, forget the scripture or not know how to answer someone's question. It took me years and this old preacher man, to teach me that first you get to know someone, forge a relationship, be genuine and real and admit your own shortcomings and struggles with the person you are reaching out to. When a person "sees" Jesus in you, with your flaws and all, they WILL give you their ear.
Brothers and sisters, class time is over. We need to get up and go. God has surrounded us with people that need Jesus. They are in our schools, the work place, the market place etc. Ask God to lead you to one and then get to KNOW that person, forge a real and genuine relationship, demonstrate Jesus through your own life and keep sowing the seed. Everyone wants to reap the harvest, but before the harvest, the seed has got to be sown.
Speaking of which.......starting in either Jan/Feb we will be hosting a COME TO THE TABLE EVENT. We need people who have a heart for the marginalized, the outcasts of society to come and be a friend to those who are lonely and quite frankly who are looking for a new "playground and new playmates". We'll all share a meal together, watch an episode of the CHOSEN, discuss the episode and then share how we can apply those truths to our own personal lives. We just need you to be a friend. We don't want you to give people money, transportation etc. We just want you to simply be a friend. Now how hard is that?? If you would like to "be a friend" or if you would like to come as a participant, then please message me or you can email me at for more info.