Faith Moves the Hand of God
January 13, 2024 - UPDATE -
Back in the spring of last year, I personally felt like God was leading the ministry to take a step of faith and in get involved in what I see is an all out assault on our children. With Steve's blessing, we decided to up our seed project giving from 10% to 15% and send what we raised to two non profits who are intent on saving children from the horrendous practice of abortion AND sex trafficking. They are also intent on sharing the Gospel with all who come through their doors. We chose to divide what monies we raised between the Tim Tebow Foundation and PreBorn Ministries.
Before I share the total amount of what we raised, I want to share with you what happens when you take a step of faith. I wish I could tell you that it is easy. It is not. That is why it is called FAITH. Right after we made the commitment to increase our giving to the seed project fund, the economy for the most part cratered. Right now, it is basically on life support. Churches/ businesses and individuals started cutting back or out altogether their donations. Yet, even with that happening, God started raising up others to give and replace what was being lost.
As the year drew to a close, our seed project fund had amassed $4,340.00. We were able to fund these 2 organizations with $2,170.00 each. It was amazing, but terrifying at the same time. Even though we had collected $4,340 to donate, our overall expenses kept increasing which left us with a deficit of nearly $5,000. If everything came out of the bank at once, we were going to be bouncing checks left and right.
I cut the checks to these two organizations and asked Steve to take to the post office immediately. I told him that we had committed to the Lord this amount and we were going to give it. We both prayed over the checks being sent out and let it go. Easy, heck no! However, Steve and I both KNOW God as good and faithful and who is one to be trusted. In the days after sending out those two checks, God has raised up other individuals to support this ministry. Many have never given before. We have made more trips to the bank in the last 10 days to deposit money, than I think we ever have in the history of Cafe Connections. LOL
It was going to be close. One of those checks cleared. Whew!! Now, we were waiting. Most all donations for the month have already come in, so I knew we were still in the red, until today 🙂
Steve is hosting a group at the cafe today while I do some baking. We were texting and I asked him to check the mail and see if anything had come in. In just a few, he texted me a picture of a check. The amount......$5,000!!! That was no where on my radar. While waiting on Steve to open the mail, I literally said out loud to the Lord, "Lord, even you could turn $50, if that's the amount, into $5,000. Today, was a 5 loaves and 2 fishes kind of day. FAITH, moves the heart and hand of God. However, you have to step out FIRST to see it happen.
Since we opened our doors in February of 2012, this ministry has been able to seed other ministries intent on sharing the Gospel to the tune of $84,339.00. THAT my friends is not Steve and Ann. That is ALL and nothing but my GOD!! He is FAITHFUL 🙂