Get Up and Go Ministries

An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip "Get up and go…" (Acts 8:26)

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God Speaks - Are we Listening?

March 6, 2024 - STORY TIME -
There is no way to sugar coat this, so I am just going to say it. Last night, was hell. It shouldn't have been, because I was completely exhausted and EVERY bone and muscle in my body screamed in pain. Yet, it seemed like I was waking up every hour on the hour either going to the bathroom OR thinking and worrying about Dennis.

This morning as I was talking to the Lord about this I think I came to the conclusion that I was under spiritual attack from the enemy. Unfortunately, because I was so tired and exhausted I couldn't see that I was under spiritual attack at the time. I just wanted to sleep. It takes me awhile sometimes to figure things out. I just can't think that fast. This morning I came into the cafe and saw this piece of paper that hangs prominently in my office as a reminder to myself as to whose voice I may be listening to at any point during the day. Last night, I was in fact listening to the voice of Satan. He NEVER stops does he? With regards to Dennis, I was pondering as to why I was so worried about Dennis and why I was allowing Satan to speak and keep me up all night. These were some of the things that Satan was whispering in the wee hours of this morning - you're spending all this time with him and you know that he is going to go right back to what he was're going to look like a fool when he fails......once an addict always an addict.....he's using you etc. Then God took this same sheet of paper and He reminded me of how HE speaks.

There was something else He reminded me of and that was all the things I have learned during the last 8 months of walking this "Journey to a Miracle" with Dennis. Most, including myself in the beginning, thought that this was all about helping Dennis. Guess what? It wasn't. It was about me and Steve. Yeah, God can multitask quite well. He was working in Dennis's life for sure, but Steve and Ann needed some areas in their own lives that needed to be addressed as well. Especially ME. This morning, the Lord led me to Galatians 5:22-23, which reads in the AMP version the following way:

"But the fruit of the Spirit (the result of His Presence within us) is love (unselfish concern of others)joy, (inner) peace, patience (not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting), kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law". I humbly tell you that before Dennis, these traits were neither in my life or they were limited at best. I was reminded of I Cor. 1:27 in the NLT version that says, "God chose things/people the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things/people that are powerless to shame those who are powerful". WOW! Then God said to me personally......"Ann, I gave you a Dennis to teach and to train you for the coming days ahead". Through Dennis you have learned how to sacrificially serve and give. You have learned self control when everything in you wants to scream and say to him, "I AM DONE WITH YOU!". You have learned how to be gentle, how to be kind, what it means to be faithful in the good times and in the bad times. Above all you are learning how to be patient AND how to act in the waiting while you wait for me to do what needs to be done in Dennis's life just as I have waited for you". Even Dennis told me this past Sunday that he would have NEVER thought that I would have treated him with this much kindness and respect. So maybe I have learned something on this journey.

Questions to Ponder -

1. Whose voice are you listening to? We all readily say that we listen to the voice of God, but do we really? Do we even really know what our Master's voice sounds like??
2. Whose your "Dennis"? I am convinced that God ALWAYS gives each of us a Dennis to "teach & train" us for Kingdom work. The question is, will we accept God's "gift" of a Dennis, so that we can be made useful and ready in the Kingdom of God or do we think that is asking a bit too much?
3. Are you willing to be humbled? If not, then my friend, God cannot and will not use you. True service to God comes from being broken and humbled. Otherwise, what you do is another thing that you can check off the list. I know. I did that forever and was miserable.

Now.....pray that I can make it thru the day. Cafe; follow up doctor appts, more cleaning and painting; grands; and probably another surprise or two to be thrown into the mix before bedtime tonight.
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